Campbell County, Kentucky

Welcome to the official website of Campbell County, Kentucky!

Campbell County Police Department is an accredited, full service, law enforcement agency.


Welcome to the Campbell County Police Department

Campbell County Police Department is an accredited, full service, law enforcement agency with primary jurisdiction over the unincorporated areas of the county, the cities of Crestview and Silver Grove, and the Licking River, and the Kentucky side of the Ohio River. At an authorized full-time strength of 32 police officers, four school resource officers, one civilian administrative assistant, and a police social worker, we are the second largest law enforcement agency in the county; providing police services to the largest population of any jurisdiction and encompassing more than 80% of the total land area of Campbell County. Beyond our primary responsibilities, we conduct juvenile sex crime investigations for many law enforcement agencies in the county and provide other support as needed. CCPD has several investigative entities including: General, Narcotics, Sex, and Electronic Crime Investigators. The department maintains a sworn Police Chaplain, Honor Guard Team, the Crisis Assistance Response Effort (C.A.R.E) Team, and Bike Patrol Unit. Beyond those areas for which we staff within the agency, the department participates in numerous multi-agency and/or multi-jurisdictional teams including: the Northern Kentucky Drug Strike Force, SWAT, Accident Reconstruction, Crime Scene Processing, and Arson Investigations. In addition to the aforementioned positions, agency personnel serve on a variety of boards and/or groups which provide services to the residents of Campbell County.

Dial 911 in Case of Emergency or Crime in Progress.

To file a report, speak with an officer, or have a police officer dispatched, please call the Campbell County Consolidated Dispatch Center at 859-292-3622.

Craig Sorrell,
Police Chief

Physical Address 
Police Department
8774 Constable Dr
Alexandria, KY 41001
Get Directions

Mailing Address 
P.O. Box 6
Alexandria, KY 41001
  • Phone: (859) 547-3100
  • Fax: (859) 547-3129
  • Tip Line: (859) 547-3101
  • Staff Directory
  • Office Hours:
    M - F 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


Services provided by the Campbell County Police Department
Anonymous Tip Line
Door to Door Solicitation
Project Child Safe
Vacation House Check Program.

Citizen Complaints

The Campbell County Police Department is committed to providing a professional police force to the citizens of Campbell County. If ever you feel a police officer did not perform his/her duties in a respectful and professional manner, we encourage you to contact our department. The CCPD will thoroughly investigate all complaints against our officers, and will provide feedback to any complainant as to the results of our inquiry. Complaints are taken in person at the police department, by phone at 859-547-3100, by email at, or by mail at Campbell County Police Department, ATTN: Chief of Police, P. O. Box 6 Alexandria, KY 41001.

Notice of Claim for Police Department Damage

Record Requests

The Campbell County Police Department is committed to providing all records subject to the laws governing public access to records. Requests for records are accepted by mail, at Campbell County Police Department, ATTN: Records, P. O. Box 6 Alexandria, KY 41001, by Fax at (859) 547-3129, and by email at Given the complexity of public records laws, individuals are encouraged to contact our Administrative Assistant at (859) 547-3100 in advance, to determine availability and help guide you through the process. For your convenience and to assist in expediting this process, please use the CCPD Open Records Request Form available below.

Open Records Request Form
Collision Reports
Collision Reports

Collision Reports

Find information on submitting and obtaining collision reports.

Public Safety Cadets

The Campbell County Police Department maintains a Public Safety Cadet Program to expose and inform young people about the police profession, promote civic involvement, and promote a positive law enforcement interaction with our youth. Persons between the ages of 14 and 21, who meet the eligibility requirements, may be considered for acceptance in the program. Inquires as to the program, qualifications, activities etc. may be directed to

Honor Guard

The Campbell County Police Honor Guard was formed in 2005 and is comprised of members selected from the department. All members receive advanced training in various aspects of drill and ceremony to include marching, flag folding, weapon salutes, and the Presentation of Colors. Sadly, one of the Honor Guard's earliest details was the funeral ceremony of one of our own police officers. Officer Jason Faulkner, while serving as an active member of the police department, passed after a long battle with Leukemia. Since that time, the Campbell County Police Honor Guard has participated in numerous events yearly to include Cincinnati Reds games, parades, awards banquets, memorial ceremonies, and other public events.

For inquiries about the Honor Guard or services they provide, please contact the Campbell County Police Department at 859-547-3100 or via email at

Volunteers in Police Service

The Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS) is comprised of dedicated people from the community who volunteer their time to assist the agency through a variety of ways to diminish some of the time spent by our sworn officers on administrative tasks. For inquiries about the VIPS program, please contact the Campbell County Police Department at 859-547-3100 or via email at
Prescription Drug Disposal
Prescription Drug Disposal

Prescription Drug Disposal

In an effort to ensure expired or unwanted prescription drugs are disposed of in a legal manner that protects citizens and the environment, the Campbell County Police Department maintains a prescription drug drop off box in the main lobby. The drop off box can be accessed during normal business hours, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The drop off box does not accept syringes, liquids, or vitamin/dietary supplements. For more information, please contact the Campbell County Police Department at 859-547-3100.

Current Employment Opportunities

View open employment opportunities with the County Police Department.

CCPD History & Annual Reports

Campbell County Police Department History & Annual Reports include information relating to crime rates, number of crimes, activities of the department, accomplishments and more.

Abandoned or Found Property