Campbell County, Kentucky

Welcome to the official website of Campbell County, Kentucky!

Services provided by the Campbell County Police Department.

Anonymous Tip Line

Campbell County Police Department depends on your assistance to prevent crime and identify problems in the county. If you have information pertaining to criminal activities, wanted persons, or other concerns, please feel free to contact us via the Tip Line at 859-547-3101. All calls made to the Tip Line (859) 547-3101, are anonymous.

Door to Door Solicitation

Per county ordinance, any and all door-to-door solicitors within the unincorporated area of the county shall, before beginning such solicitation, be required to register with the Campbell County Police Department. Solicitors must provide their names, address, the firm by which they are employed, and the time during which they intend to pursue said occupation in the county. Permits issued to solicitors must be carried on the solicitor's person at all times while soliciting. Students from local schools are exempt from the solicitor permit requirement. Those applying for a solicitation permit must also obtain the required Campbell County Fiscal Court occupational tax license, which must be provided when going through the aforementioned permit process.

Campbell County residents are encouraged to always request to see the Solicitation Permit. Should a solicitor not produce the Solicitation Permit, and you do not feel the situation is an emergency, please contact the Campbell County Dispatch at 859-292-3622 to have a Campbell County Officer respond.

Project Child Safe

The Campbell County Police Department participates in “Project Child Safe." The program provides free gunlocks to the general public in an effort to make homes with firearms safer and prevent needless accidents. Free gunlocks may be obtained, Monday thru Friday from 8:00 – 4:00, at the Campbell County Police Headquarters, 8774 Constable Drive, Alexandria, KY. Questions or information on the program may be directed to the Campbell County Police Department (859) 547-3100.

Vacation House Check Program

The Campbell County Police Department provides a free residential security check for residents of the unincorporated areas when away on vacation. Once per shift, an Officer will inspect the residence for unlocked or damaged windows or doors, any evidence of forced entry or other suspicious activity.