Campbell County, Kentucky

Welcome to the official website of Campbell County, Kentucky!

The Campbell Conservancy is a non-profit corporation dedicated to conserving green space and preserving land that has unique or significant natural, historical or scenic value. The Conservancy may preserve land intact as natural space or develop it for use, in whole or part, by residents of the county. The Conservancy also seeks to educate residents about the value of preserving land for future and will work with other organizations with similar goals to ensure complimentary efforts and mutual assistance.

The Campbell County Cable Television Board selects a cable television franchise, regulates the CATV ordinance. and promotes, improves and develops the potential of cable television for the citizens of Campbell County.

The Campbell County Cooperative Extension Board is the governing body of the Extension Council, whose purpose is to provide for an educational program for topics such as agriculture, home economics, 4-H, development, and related subjects. Established in accordance with KRS 164.625.

The Campbell County Library District was established by petition and has the responsibility to provide library services for the district. The Campbell County Library District was created in accordance with KRS Chapter 173.

The County Board of Health shall meet annually to set an ad valorem property tax rate to fund public health in Campbell County. The County Board of Health has elected to operate as a District Board of Health as part of the Northern Kentucky Independent Health District.

This Council was established by the United States government when it authorized the Older Americans Act in 1965. It is governed by KRS 147A090, which delegates the authority to the Area Development District. The purpose of this Council is to designate funding and monitor programs for the elderly.

The NKADD serves an eight (8) county area of Northern Kentucky as an advisory board that assists local governmental units in such areas as identification of needs, development of plans, determination of priorities, coordination of programs, funding of programs and monitoring and evaluating of programs.

In accordance with KRS 83.245, the Northern Kentucky Convention and Visitors Bureau Commission’s purpose is to direct the promotion and expansion of the convention and visitors business in and to its service area. Its objectives are to help establish serving the traveling public, increase business and business standards as well as extending the hand of welcome to all visitors to Boone, Campbell and Kenton Counties.

The Northern Kentucky Independent District Board of Health shall be serve as the governing body of the District Health Department (Boone, Campbell, Grant, and Kenton Counties) in accordance with provisions of the KRS Chapter 212, and the policies of the Cabinet for Health Services. The District Board shall adopt such rules and regulations as are deemed necessary to carry out the statutory responsibilities of the local Board of Health.

The Northern Kentucky Port Authority facilitates river port projects along the Ohio and Licking Rivers. The NKPA Board oversees the activities of the river port authority, including industrial park development, and asset management.

The Northern Kentucky Solid Waste Management Area consists of Campbell, Kenton, and Boone Counties. NKSWMA works to improve recycling throughout Northern Kentucky and partners each year on the largest household hazardous waste event in Kentucky.

The Kentucky agency for Substance Abuse Policy was created by the General Assembly in 2000 to create a Commonwealth of healthy communities. The statewide mission is to promote the reduction of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use, through competitive research based state and county strategies.

In accordance with KRS Chapter 74, the Northern Kentucky Water District provides a water supply to the citizens of Campbell and Kenton Counties residing within the boundaries of the district.

Sanitation District No. 1 is responsible for the collection and disposal of sewerage and other liquid waste produced within the district, and to do all things necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes of a Sanitation District, in accordance with KRS Chapter 220.

The Transit Authority of Northern Kentucky provides a mass transit system for Boone, Campbell and Kenton Counties.

BE NKY Growth Partnership, the economic development company for Northern Kentucky, provides businesses with the expertise they need to build opportunity in Boone, Kenton and Campbell Counties.

The MGLNK is an association of Northern Kentucky local elected officials who convene to network, discuss common issues and collaborate on regional solutions.

OKI is the region's Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), a federally mandated and federally funded transportation policy-making organization that is made up of representatives from local government and governmental transportation authorities. OKI has final authority over all federal dollars spent on surface transportation in the region.

1098 Monmouth St
Newport, KY 41071
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  • Phone: (859) 292-3838
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Jolly Thursdays
Jolly Thursdays

Jolly Thursdays

At AJ Jolly Park every Thursday in June and July!


Bylaws for Planning & Zoning, and Board of Adjustments.

Planning & Zoning Bylaws

Board of Adjustments Bylaws